Drew Hamilton is the Director of the Center for Cyber Innovation at Mississippi State University and a professor of computer science & engineering. Previously he held an endowed chair as Alumni Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering with joint appointments in Industrial and Systems Engineering and in Management at Auburn University and was Director of Auburn Cyber Research Center. Dr. Hamilton is a Fellow of the Society for Modeling & Simulation, International (SCS), and Past Chair of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Simulation (SIGSIM). During the past ten years he has been awarded more than 70 research grants and has received more than $24M in extramural funding as PI or co-PI. During his active duty career in the United States Army, he served in several field artillery command and staff assignments and qualified in nuclear / chemical targeting. He was a member of the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Faculty of the United States Military Academy, West Point where he served as the department research director. He led two DOD program offices with multi million dollar budgets.